"Boot Country" by Wes Aldridge
I went out searching for my shot tonight and realized I was somewhat forced to make the best use out of the rain. I knew neons were the ticket and I had to find some I haven't shot before, for variety's sake. I found one.
Boot Country is a store on Broadway downtown with this obnoxious neon above the door. I thought this one was just as good as any, and besides, the level of cyan in stirrup really sets off the color tones of all the magenta in the shot. So I busted out the Canon and slapped on the love of my life, my 50mm lens, and got to work.
This was shot at ISO 400 with f/1.8 aperture, hand held at 1/20th of a second. No, you aren't dyslexic, the lettering is a little screwy in the shot. This is where the rain comes in to play. A water puddle had gathered about 12 feet from the storefront and I got on my knees and saw this interesting reflection in it. The background to the shot is formed by a brick section of sidewalk the puddle stood on.
And in all honesty, I almost said to hell with the blog tonight. I am dead tired from the move, with more stuff to move in from the Jeep and unpack in my room. I leave to shoot a magazine close to Cherokee, North Carolina, on Wednesday and I have plenty of work to do before I leave. But, regardless, I started this thing and I am going to finish it. You couldn't possibly imagine the strain this 365-day photo project is putting on me. I guess if nothing else, it is teaching me the art of perseverance. I wanted to do this thing to challenge myself... and I think it is working quite well. I just keep reminding myself there is some greater value in it, even if I have no clue what it is. Something inside of me just says to keep on shooting and posting.
A groan of tedium escapes me.
God, I dread it. Its only been about one month and a week since I started it. Can I actually keep doing this? Will I be successful, or will it turn into failure.
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