Monday, September 12, 2005

Capital Colors

"Night Rider" by Wes Aldridge

Tonight turned out much better than I thought it would. I wanted to go downtown to the state capital and try to shoot. On my way there, the sky was very weak. It has been extremely hazy for a couple of weeks now. And with haze, sunsets and sunrise shots pretty much are terrible.

I had wanted the state capital building at sunset, but like so many times, things turned out a little different than I had planned. While I walked around the building searching for a good angle, I saw this horse statue and knew that is where my shot needed to stem from. I waited until the sun faded out and the lights on the capital came on to give that golden-pink light. The sky hadn't fallen completely black and with my chosen white balance, it really brought out and accented the purple in the sky. The colors were rich and the composition was pretty nice. I even enjoy the flags flapping in the background.