Friday, March 04, 2005

On Assignment: Brentwood, Tennessee-Day Trip

"The Red Barn" by Wes Aldridge

I shot this shot today on assignment for out Brentwood Chamber publication. I did it kind of as a joke. I'll explain.

Last year's edition of the Brentwood magazine was shot by my boss/chief photographer, Greg. The cover was this same barn. I guess it was kind of ironic that I ran across the same random barn that he shot last year. So, the joke was, I went back to the office and all full of pride I boasted, "Greg, I shot the cover of the Brentwood mag just now." He said, "Oh really? Then show me what you got."

I handed him the camera and sure enough it was the cover of the Brentwood magazine... from last year's edition. I don't think he thought it was anywhere near as hysterical as I thought it was. None the less, it is a pretty nice shot of a patriotic barn. Enjoy.