Sunday, September 24, 2006

The One

"The Shadow" by Wexx

During one of my assignments in Louisiana, Matt and I picked up this little jewel. It was titled "Black Jesus w/ Cloth Robe." Nothing inside me could have stopped me from making the purchase. You must understand, I am completely intrigued with religious imagery... the more bizarre, the better.

Anyway, Brian and I were here at the illustrious Wexx Studio and he saw the wonderful figurine sitting still neatly boxed. He demanded we take it out. I obliged. Brian grabbed a light and started casting massive shadows from the icon on the wall. He demanded now that I take photographs as he laughed wildly. Honestly, I was uneasy. I had never seen such a disturbed look in his somniferous eyes. He was all sorts of terrifying. He looked right through me, sneezed, and then pelted me with a handful of orange slices.


Anonymous said...

You guys are crazy. Orange slices? Anything like circus peanuts??

susanne said...

Such a huge shadow...

Anonymous said...

This is so real.

Anonymous said...

I remember...
Then the X-Files being,
Looking like some kind of blue-green Cherie Berry
with ZZ-Top lips, and breath that reeked of
Beef Ovens
Did a slow-mo Matrix descent
Outta the chris end of the banana vessel
And hovered above my bug-eyes, my gaping jaw,
and my sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip,
and all I could think was:
"I hope Wexx here doesn't notice
that I pissed my 3-legged schwortz."