Saturday, April 29, 2006

On Assignment: Shreveport, Louisiana... still

"Matt Soars" by Wes Aldridge

Today, the sun FINALLY came from behind a thick cloud of grey. Thanks to the gods for finally shinning down upon us.

We shot at Caddo Lake. The sunset was awesome and it was time for Matt to soar... so he did. Don't we wish we had some towels for this one.


susanne said...

How often did I look at this beautiful photo today?
Four times, five times?
And I am still wondering: Is it really water in front of Matt? Or is it sand? And these little black things - I don't know what they are: Plants? Fishes? Or what else?
My phantasy is running... please help me!

Anonymous said...

wes,this is a great shot.Matt looks as if he is about to take off.What was the Japanese guy in "Karate Kid"?Continue to "blog" us o.k.!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I have that same picture! No, wait...mine is of "Matt's Sores." Nevermind