Monday, June 13, 2005


"No Hope For Me" by Wes Aldridge

Tonight it got bad. I woke up from a little resting and just had to shoot. I decided to go buy some fruits and vegetables at Krogers and thought, what the hell, I'll get the blog shot in the supermarket.

I wasn't even able to go to the grocery store without shooting some photos. I am addicted. There is no cure for me. It must be a sad sickness cause I don't want to remedy this disease.

I guess I am blessed.


Anonymous said...

Ya know it's illegal to shoot pictures in the grocery store - they don't allow it. Your addiction killed a relationship ... was it worth it?

Anonymous said...


It is illegal to shoot photos in a grocery store? Show me where. I needs proof.

Anonymous said...

Great shot. By the way, it's not illegal to shot pictures ANYWHERE, except at certain military facilities. The problem, if a problem arises, derives from what you do with the picture. If someone takes offense to how you use your photographs, they can try and sue you.

Photography is one of those addictions that gives more than it takes. On mor than one occasion photography has saved my life.


Anonymous said...

The main issue is spying.

I've known of people who were hired by other grocery stores to go into competing grocery stores to get pictures. So, it's a formal policy to not allow pictures...because they all do it...almost like countries. They all spy, but they have laws against spying. lol

Also, Kevin knotes the use of the photographs...that's definitely an issue as well.

Good shot by the way.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, salad dressing, an interesting choice.

You are incredibly blessed.

Your addiction, or better said, your passion, sparked our relationship. Your art, and your company, enhances my life.


Anonymous said...

To everyone who has replied: You try going into the Belle Meade or Green Hills Kroger and shooting a picture in front of THE MANAGER of the store and THEN talk to me ... Jesus Christ people relax.

OH and "J", if you are dating him which I suspect you are not, trust me you WILL get sick of his "passion" when you go to watch a sunset or fireworks with him and he shoots pictures of them instead of enjoying them with YOU.

Anonymous said...

Through everything you write here, it really shows you are missing the point of what is going on with this blog. Your bitter nature hinders you from seeing the art and value here. Look into enhancing your growth as a person, because that is what this blog is doing for me. Its making me better at what I do. It challenges me everyday. I learn and create and enhance. I challenge you to seek out your purpose and find nirvana. Make this particular moment in your present existence meaningful. Enhance someone else through the things that you do. That is our biggest concern, to teach and help other people through the knowledge and experience we have attained. When you begin doing this, you will find the road to nirvana.

truevyne said...

How can a row of salad dressings create such a rustle? The photo doesn't bring to my mind vodka, bitterness, or nirvana. I just admire the commitment to the everyday shoot...